
1)Project Name:Al Shaheen Expansion
Operator:Maersk Oil

2)Project Name:RasGas 2 Train 7

3)Project Name:Qatargas 3 Train 6
Operator:QP/Conoco Phillips/Mitsui

Al Shaheen Expansion
Name: Al Shaheen
Location:180km north of Doha, Qatar peninsular
Geology:Khuff formation, including north field: 6,000km²
Drawbacks:Low permeability, limited thickness, geological complexity
Area:Qatar Arch, 2,214km²

The largest producing oil field on the west coast of the Qatar peninsula is the Dukhan field, operated by Qatar Petroleum (QP). Offshore production is mainly via Exploration and Production Sharing Agreements (EPSA) with foreign oil companies in partnership with QP on behalf of the Government of Qatar. Qatar has proven recoverable oil reserves of 15.2 billion barrels.

Qatar Petroleum operates two offshore fields, Mydan Mahzam and Bul Hanine, the other four being Id al-Shargi North Dome, al-Shaheen, al-Rayyan and al-Khalij.

The block 5, Al Shaheen oil field lies 180km north of Doha and is operated by Maersk Oil Qatar AS (Qatar Arch, 2,214km²), producing 200,000 barrels per day. The US has invested $2.5bn, and capacity is now beyond 260,000bpd but has been constrained by OPEC quotas; it could reach 400,000bpd over the next five to six years.

3,500km² and off the coast of Qatar, block 5 was discovered by Maersk in 1992 and received $2bn in funding as the company explored the possibilities of establishing commercial oil production.

The exploration and exploitation rights included block 5 geological formations above the Khuff Formation, containing the 'north field', 6,000km² northwest of the Qatari peninsula, the world's largest non-associated natural gas field.

Initially it was questionable whether the oilfield was sustainable, despite being hydrocarbon, due to low permeability, limited thickness and geological complexity. It has since been successfully developed, mainly due to cutting-edge technology.

Qatargas 3 Train 6
Qatargas Train 6, which will be set up under Qatargas–III, is a joint venture among QP (68.5%), ConocoPhillips (30%) and Mitsui (1.5%).

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